Today, we share the story of Abraham and his beloved son, Isaac. To Abraham, God will make three promises. The Jews will anticipate the fulfillment of these promises over thousands of years. Jesus will fulfill these, yet, even more central to this study, Jesus will also fulfill the sacrifice of Issac. Like Isaac, he too is sent as the Beloved Son to be sacrificed...and it all takes place on the same mountain. The parallels are staggering.

From Our Spiritual Director

Monday Reflection

First Reading: Isaiah 65: 17-21Psalm 30Gospel John 4:43-54

Some of us like when new things happen while others can be rather put off by trying something new. Each of us have our own ways of doing things and we don’t often like when we add something new to the routine. God tells us in our first reading through the Prophet Isaiah, “I am about to create a new heaven and a new earth.” These words of hope were a blessing to the Israelites who had experienced much defeat and destruction throughout their lives. This was that beacon of hope they needed to allow them to see beyond their current struggles. At this time, we are almost halfway through Lent. What have you been working on during this season of lent? The things we give up, and the things we add to our spiritual lives are meant to bring about something new in us. What “new” things are happening around you? How can you use these things to help you go deeper in your Lenten Journey?

Fr Matt Rawson

Elementary (Grades 1-4)


  • See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn

Prayer Before Meals

  • Meal Prayer

Prayers Before Bed

  • Our Father

  • Hail Mary

  • Glory Be

    • Find these prayers here.

Intercessory Prayer - 5 mins

Take 5 mins every day with your kids and ask them “What do you want to pray for?” Ask them whom they’d like to pray for? Ask them what they’d like to tell God that they are grateful for?


Today’s Lesson - Abraham

The Main Points to Teach Your Child:

  • A basic understanding of the story of Abraham & Isaac

  • What are the three Promises (aka Covenant) God makes with Abraham

    • Abraham will be the leader of a great nation with many descendants (aka children/heirs)

    • God gives Abram a new name - Abraham. Makes his name great!

    • God gives his blessing to all of Abraham's descendants.

  • God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. How does God reward Abraham's faithfulness and obedience.

A Note from Julie:

Dear parents,

Wow - the story of Abraham may be a rather tough lesson for us as parents to ponder...

As a follower of Christ I would like to believe I would have the courage to make the sacrifices God may ask of me, but at the same time, I pray that I would not be asked to sacrifice one of my own children. See my quick video "Pop In"

Missing all of you!

Be safe, stay healthy, God Bless!

-Julie Sheridan

Additional Resources & Activities to do at Home

Middle School (Grades 5-8)


  • See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn

Prayer Before Meals

  • Meal Prayer

Prayers Before Bed

  • Our Father

  • Hail Mary

  • Glory Be

  • Novena for an End to the Coronavirus Pandemic

    • Find full prayers here.

10 Minutes of Silent Prayer

  • Petition - What do you need from God? What do you ask from him?

  • Intercession - Who needs help in your life? What do you want God to do for them?

  • Thanksgiving - God often answers our prayers but we forget to say thank you. What are you thankful for in your life?

  • Read the Bible - Begin with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John)


For 5th and 6th Graders, it is recommended that an adult watch this video and then re-teach the information to the 5th & 6th grader at their level. For 7th & 8th Graders, we recommend having them watch the videos themselves.

Today’s Lesson - Abraham

The Main Points that need to be learned or taught from this lesson

  • Understand the basic narrative of Abraham & Isaac

  • What is a covenant (and how its different than contract)

  • What is the covenant sign for Adam, Noah, & Abraham?

  • How big is the covenant for Adam? Noah? Abraham?

  • How does Jesus fulfill the Sacrifice of Isaac?

High School (Grades 9-12)


  • See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn

Prayer Before Meals

  • Meal Prayer

Prayers Before Bed

  • Our Father

  • Hail Mary

  • Glory Be

  • Novena for an End to the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Find a list of all these prayers here.

20 mins of Silent Prayer

For those new to prayer

  • First 10 mins - Talk to God

    • During this time do three types of prayer.

    • Petition - what do you ask of God?

    • Thanksgiving - What are you thankful for?

    • Intercession - Who needs prayers?

  • Second 10 mins - Listen to God

    • The primary place where God speaks is in the Bible. (It is the “Word of God.”)

    • Take time to read the Bible so as to listen to him speak into your life. We recommend beginning in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John)

For those more experienced in prayer


Today’s Lesson - Abrahama



  • See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn

Prayer Before Meals

  • Meal Prayer

Prayers Before Bed

  • Our Father

  • Hail Mary

  • Glory Be

  • Novena for an End to the Coronavirus Pandemic

A list of all these prayers are here.

20 mins of Silent Prayer

For those new to prayer

  • First 10 mins - Talk to God

    • During this time do three types of prayer.

    • Petition - what do you ask of God?

    • Thanksgiving - What are you thankful for?

    • Intercession - Who needs prayers?

  • Second 10 mins - Listen to God

    • The primary place where God speaks is in the Bible. Take time to read it so as to listen to him speak into your life. We recommend beginning in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) or sign up to receive daily mass readings from the USCCB via email.

    • After praying with them, ask yourself, “What is God trying to speak to me personally in this?” and keep a log of these conversations.

For those more experienced in prayer


Today’s Lesson - Abraham

Watch this video – also available at the end of this page


Watch the faith formation resource video below to learn more about your faith.

“Now the LORD said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves."

- Genesis 12:1-3