Through revelation God has given to us commandments of what we must not do if we wish to stay in a relationship with Him. The Church also gives to us the five precepts of the Church of what we must do if we also want to keep your relationship with God. These do's of our relationship known as the Five Precepts of the Church is the subject of our next five sessions.
NEW Weekly Challenge 🙌
Our new (and final) contest is "Sidewalk Chalk Challenge" Just for fun, we're challenging you to an outdoor art contest. Send in photos or videos of your sidewalk chalk creations! Use this form to send in your submission. Submit by Monday, May 11th. All participants receive House Points and the winner gets extra points for their house!
*A Google account is required to submit. If you have trouble submitting through the form, just send an email to Thanks!
Trivia Quizzes 💯
We've got a new trivia quiz this week. Have you been following along? Test your knowledge and win House Points and get on the student Leaderboard.
Elementary (Grades 1-4)
Find all the prayers here.Mealtime Prayers & Night Time Prayers
5 mins - Praying for Others
Watch the video below
The Main Points to Teach Your Child: Precept of the Church #1
First review the 10 Commandments... rules to guide and protect us and our relationship with God and one another. They help us to live a moral life.
The Catholic Church has 5 Precepts: are the minimum requirements to be Catholic. You cannot be a Christian without making a moral effort for the Sacramental Life
Explain what "Precept" means - a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought.
There are certain "DOs" of a Relationship with Jesus, known as the 5 Precepts (general rules) of the Catholic Church...
Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days
Go to Confession at least once a year
Receive Holy Eucharist once a year during Easter
Observe Fasting / Abstinence
Provide for the Needs of the Church
Precept #1: Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days
Attend Mass on Sunday and on Holy Day of Obligation
Rest on Sunday--not mow our lawn, do laundry, clean the house or do homework. This is especially challenging for modern Americans and counter-cultural.
God commands this of us. We are called to honor the Sabbath; to spend time with Him.
Jesus commands this of us. "Do this in rembrance of me."
to have a relationship, you must make and effort to spend time with Him.
you cannot just believe, you have to LIVE THE FAITH too; you must DO His will.
Jesus loves you and wants nothing less than a relationship with you. Like all relationships, you must give Him time, every day, every week for your lifetime.
this seems like a real burden, asking too much...
"but it's boring" or "I don't get anything out of going to Mass" (in a few lessons we'll talk about how to get something out of Mass).
What wouldn't you do for someone you TRULY LOVE? Certainly not the bare minimum.
A Note from Julie:
Dear Parents,
This First Precept of the Church makes me think about the sacrifices we make as parents. What wouldn't we sacrifice for our children? What wouldn't we do for them? Just think of how much our lives have changes since are children entered into our world, into our hearts.
That's the love the Father has for each of us, for our children. God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to become man, to dwell among us, to live with us, to suffer and die for us. Why? So that He might have a relationship with us. So that we may have life eternal in heaven.
As parents, we all want our children with us in heaven. It isn't easy, it takes effort to raise children of faith in this modern world, it's counter-cultural to say the least. BUT, it is worth it, because we love God and and we love our children.
I cannot imagine what heaven would be like without all my loved with with me. I pray for them continuously, that they may truly love God, and do His will.
God bless,
-Julie Sheridan
Additional Resources & Activities to do at Home
Celebrate the Mass - Brother Francis (approximately 0:50 clips) +Remembering what the Mass is About, The Entrance Procession, Paying Attention in Church, The Bread and Wine at Mass. With a Heart of Praise
Middle School (Grades 5-8)
Find all the prayers here.Basic Prayers
Ten Minutes of Silence
Reading the Bible
Watch the video below
The Main Points that need to be learned or taught from this lesson
The DON’Ts of a relationship with Jesus - The 10 Commandments:
I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Keep holy the Sabbath.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. Class Objectives -
Teach the DO’s of a relationship with Jesus - The 5 Precepts of the Church
Attend Mass on Sunday and Holy Days
Must honor the Sabbath and spend 1 hour every week in Mass
Need to spend quality time with the Lord.
Go to Confession at least once a year
Eucharist once a year during Easter
Observe Fasting/Abstinence
Provide for the Needs of the Church
Find a list of all these prayers here.
See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn
Basic Prayers
A list of all these prayers are here.
For those new to prayer
First 10 mins - Talk to God
Second 10 mins - Listen to God
Praying with the Bible or the daily mass readings.
For those more experienced in prayer
20 Mins of Silent Meditation – Suggestions:
Lectio Divina/Meditating on the Bible
Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving, & Praise
Reflecting on the Daily Readings
Watch the video below
Watch the faith formation resource video below to learn more about your faith.
"There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, a day of sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is a sabbath to the Lord."
- - Leviticus 23:3