The Eucharist is the central and most important teaching in Catholicism. It is more important than the Bible, the rules & moral life, the Pope & the priesthood, and all the other Sacraments. Why? Because the Eucharist is Jesus. Not a symbol but truly Him. Everything else in the Faith orders us towards God or aids us in our relationship with Him, but the Eucharist is God Himself.

Watch the Bible Study on the Last Supper to learn more about Jesus instituting the Eucharist.

From Our Spiritual Director ✝

Wednesday Reflection


Acts 5:34-42Ps 27:1,4,13-14John 6:1-15

When we hear the Gospel of the feeding of the 5000, a simple question comes to mind. If Jesus already had a plan for how He was to feed the massive group of people, why would He ask His disciples to solve the problem? While there can be many theological answers to such question, a simple answer is to have faith. The disciples needed to show faith in Christ and how with faith in God all things are possible. We hear in other scripture, if one has faith the size of a mustard seed, one can do great things. Our faith calls us to believe in all circumstances and witness how Christ works through all of those circumstances. We see that Jesus never stops working through His followers. How is Jesus working through you today? what are you able to do for others and show them that Christ is present in you and through you? How can you trust that Jesus is always with you and that you are part of His plan for this world?

Fr Matt Rawson

Weekly Challenge Winner 🙌

This week, we asked our viewers to submit their very own cooking show as part of The Crown. We had some amazing entries for the Holy Chef Cooking Show. Our winners are Sophie R. and Maeve & Meryl M.

New Trivia Quizzes 💯

We've got a new trivia quiz this week. Have you been following along? Test your knowledge and win House Points and get on the student Leaderboard.

Elementary (Grades 1-4)

See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


Find all the prayers here.
    • Mealtime Prayers & Night Time Prayers

    • 5 mins - Praying for Others


The Main Points to Teach Your Child:

    1. Recall that the Sacraments are divided into three groups -

    • 1) Initiation, 2) Healing, and 3) Service

    • Eucharist is the third Sacrament of Initiation

    1. God gave us the Sacrament of Eucharist to be a constant nourishment for our relationship with Jesus.

    • Grace: "The inner life of God within you."

      • It is how we have a relationship with God

      • That is how we get to Heaven

      • Eucharist provides us with God's grace as weekly (daily) nourishment

    • Eucharist is our communion at Mass.

      • We believe it is NOT a symbol but that the Eucharist ACTUALLY becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus - Transubstantiation (it's a mouth full). The bread and wine actually become God Himself even though the appearance does not change.

      • God gives us the Eucharist because He loves us and wants to remain near to us after He Ascended to Heaven.

  • Outward Signs of Eucharist are...

    • Matter -- the material used- - Bread & Wine (Strengthens and nourishes your soul.)

    • Form -- the words said -- *“Take this all of you and eat it. This is My Body which will be given up for you,... Take this, all of you, and drink from it: this is the cup of my Blood, the Blood of the New and Everlasting Covenant. It will be shed for you and for al so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me."

*Words of Consecration spoke at Mass only by the Priest or Bishop.

  • Instituted by Christ --Eucharist began on the last night of Jesus' life - the Last Super (the Passover, Seder meal).

    • This is Jesus' dying action and wish -- to give the Apostles the Eucharist.

    • Jesus says, "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you..."

    • "And as they were eating, He took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them, and said, 'Take; this is my body..." Mark 14:22-25

    • Jesus commands the Apostles to do this in remembrance of Him. The Apostles followed Jesus' command throughout the New Testament and throughout Church history.

A Note from Julie:

Dear Parents,

Today's lesson on Eucharist makes me think of all the young children who began preparing for First Holy Eucharist in January. This coming weekend and next weekend, the children of Holy Cross Church would have celebrated their First Holy Eucharist. Unfortunately, their preparation was interrupted.

However, through the dedication and faithfulness of their parents, the children have been able to continue their lessons at home. Once we are able to gather together again, our Sacramental Team looks forward to working closely with our young families on the final preparations and actual celebration of First Eucharist.

These children and their families eagerly await the day they will receive Jesus' Body and Blood. Please keep the children and their parents in prayer. May this time of isolation provide us all with an increased appreciation for the Mass, and a renewed desire to receive Eucharist -- the Real Presence, the Source and Summit of our faith.

God bless,

-Julie Sheridan

Additional Resources & Activities to do at Home



Middle School (Grades 5-8)

See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


Find all the prayers here.
    • Basic Prayers

    • Ten Minutes of Silence

      • Intercessions

      • Thanksgiving

      • Reading the Bible


The Main Points that need to be learned or taught from this lesson:

  • Explain the following about the Eucharist:

    • To Give Grace (or what Grace is given) - Daily and weekly nourishment and intimacy with Jesus

    • Outward Sign

      • Matter (the Material Used) - Bread

      • Form (the Words Said) - “Take this all of you and eat it...”

    • Instituted by Christ - The Last Supper

Find a list of all these prayers here.

High School (Grades 9-12)

See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


Find a list of all these prayers here.



See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


  • Basic Prayers

    • A list of all these prayers are here.

For those new to prayer

  • First 10 mins - Talk to God

For those more experienced in prayer



Watch the faith formation resource video below to learn more about your faith.

"The Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life.' The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch."

- CCC 1324