Jesus rises from the dead on Easter Sunday and for the next 40 days continues to appear to his Apostles and followers, teaching, encouraging, and strengthening them. It will be soon afterwards that they are commanded to remain in Jerusalem because He will send "the Helper", the Holy Spirit, who will come upon them at Pentecost and give them the gifts and graces to bring Christ's message and salvation to the ends of the earth.

From Our Spiritual Director ✝

Monday Reflection


Acts 2:14, 22-33Psalm 16:1-2a,5,7-8,9-10,11Sequence: Victimae paschali laudesMt 28:8-15

As we begin our joyous journey into the Easter Season, the sung chorus of Glory to God in the Highest ring in our heads and in our hearts! The Gloria was absent throughout the Lenten Season but now as we, along with the earliest Christians, witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ we again shout Glory to God in the Highest!

In the Gospel today, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary hurry from the empty tomb and encounter the risen Christ. Imagine their joy as they ponder the meaning of all that they have encountered in their journey of faith. Imagine the fear they experience by seeing him, falling at his feet, unsure as to how their experience was really happening. We recognize that all their hopes and dreams are true, and their greatest fear, the loss of Jesus their friend and savior, is not permanent.

We too cannot live in fear. No matter how hopeless the situation may seem to us, we remember that God sees all and guides us each day. We must live in Easter joy each day of our lives!

Happy Easter!

Fr. John

New Weekly Challenge 🙌

Our new contest this week is "Acting Out!" Just for fun, we're challenging our families to an acting contest. Choose a story from the bible (or elsewhere), create costumes, props, a set, a script, or anything else you like to make your story pop. Then act it out! Record the production and share it with us! Use this form to submit videos and/or photos of your production. Winner will be announced Friday, April 17th.

*A Google account is required to submit. If you have trouble submitting through the form, just send an email to Thanks!

Check out Steve's family's demonstration below!

Elementary (Grades 1-4)

See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


Find all the prayers here.
    • Mealtime Prayers & Night Time Prayers

    • 5 mins - Praying for Others


The Main Points to Teach Your Child:

  1. Jesus rises from the dead on the 3rd day - The Resurrection

    • Earthquake--guards stationed at the tomb are knocked unconscious

    • Jesus rises from the dead

    • Angels are at the tomb to give the news of Jesus' resurrection

  2. Jesus reveals Himself

    • to the women and Mary Magdalene at the Tomb

    • to the 11 Apostles in the upper room where they were hiding, including Thomas

    • the "two" on the Road to Emmaus

    • and many other over 40 days

  3. Jesus is brough up to Heaven - The Ascension

    • after 40 days of appearing to the people

    • instructs the Apostles to wait in Jerusalem for the coing of the Holy Spirit before they begin their mission to bring the Good News to the people of all nations.

A Note from Julie:

Dear Parents,

As we begin another week of isolation, the thought that comes to my mind is Thankful! I am thankful for this Easter and time with my family, and grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with my Lord and my family in deeply intimate ways that would not have otherwise been possible. While restricted from gathering for worship and with family and friends living outside of our home, I feel closer to my Lord and my family more than ever. My life has been altered. I have found comfort in a slower, less complicated pace. I have rediscovered the joy in my daily prayer, and joy in the little things, the simply things of life, a simpler way of life. I pray that I may sustain this joy throughout the Easter Season and beyond!

My Easter blessings to you and all your loved ones. And I pray that all remain healthy and find comfort and peace in these days ahead.

God bless,

-Julie Sheridan

Additional Resources & Activities to do at Home



Middle School (Grades 5-8)

See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


Find all the prayers here.
    • Basic Prayers

    • Ten Minutes of Silence

      • Intercessions

      • Thanksgiving

      • Reading the Bible


The Main Points that need to be learned or taught from this lesson

  1. Be able to explain the basic story of the Resurrection

  2. Give examples to whom Jesus appeared after his Resurrections

  3. Know the narrative of his Ascension

High School (Grades 9-12)

See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


Find a list of all these prayers here.



See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


  • Basic Prayers

    • A list of all these prayers are here.

For those new to prayer

  • First 10 mins - Talk to God

For those more experienced in prayer



Watch the faith formation resource video below to learn more about your faith.

"Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. While he blessed them, he parted from them, and was carried up into heaven. And they returned to Jerusalem with great joy"

- Luke 24:50-52