Today, only a few days away from our liturgical entry into Holy Week, we take time to study Jesus' suffering and death. In this lesson we not only walk through the basic story of what happened in Jesus' last hours but also summarize the major ways that he fulfills the Old Testament in this act. If it's helpful for you to journey with Jesus during the last moments of his life, use the Stations of the Cross video below as a guide for prayer and meditation.

From Our Spiritual Director

Wednesday Reflection


Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95Ps Dn 3:52-56Jn 8:31-42

Through faith in God’s intervention, we are set free!

It is through the steadfast trust in God that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, thrown into the fires of Nebuchadnezzar, are rewarded by God and saved from a torturous death.

Are we any different? We know that difficult times in our lives abound. Sometimes those difficulties, magnified by fear, appear almost insurmountable. Remember what God asks of the faithful, trust in me. Recall the story of the disciple Peter, when invited to walk on the water by Jesus is able to do so until he begins to doubt and starts to sink. It is God’s care, not our abilities, which lead us on to new life.

Today, reach your hand out to God. Invite Him to guide you where you need to go, abiding in trust!


Fr. John Kurgan

Elementary (Grades 1-4)

See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


Find all the prayers here.
  • Mealtime Prayers & Night Time Prayers

  • 5 mins - Praying for Others


The Main Points to Teach Your Child:

  • Jesus is the Messiah, which means "anointed one" , like King David, only Jesus' Kingdom is the Catholic Church.

  • The people want the heir to King David to fight for them against Rome. Jesus IS the heir of King David but has come to begin a Kingdom - the Church through love, peace, and forgiveness, not with a sword.

  • The Passion of Jesus begins on Holy Thursday.

  • After the Last Supper, Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray with his Apostles. There He is betrayed by Judas with a kiss.

  • Jesus is arrested, taken to the rulers for a mock (fake) trial. They ask Him over and over again if He claims to be the Son of God. He replies, "you say, I Am (which refers back to Moses, when God reveals Himself as, Yahweh, "I Am Who Am." They find Jesus guilty and send Him to Pontius Pilot.

  • CROWNED KING: Pilot does not want to kill Jesus. Pilot orders for Jesus to be beaten. They crowned Jesus with thorns and beat Him very badly and bring Him back to Pilot.

  • PROCLAMATION: The people demand for Jesus to die. Pilot finally given in and turns Him over to the Roman soldiers to be crucified. Pilot orders that a sign be placed on Jesus' cross stating, "King of the Jews".

  • JESUS' THRONE: Jesus carries his cross to the Golgotha, (Place of the Skull). There Jesus is nailed to the Cross (His throne). Jesus dies on the cross at 3pm. At the same time an earthquake occurs, along with an eclipse of the sun, and the Temple curtain is split in two.

  • Jesus is taken down from the cross and buried in a tomb.

A Note from Julie:

Dear Parents,

The Passion Lesson is an amazing opportunity to help prepare your child, and yourself, to enter into Holy Week. I hope the notes highlighted are helpful to you as you work with your child to convey the great sacrifice Jesus has made for us. Through Jesus, the promises of Abraham are fulfilled. Through Jesus we may have eternal life, if we choose to live as God has commanded us to live.

We must remember, even during these challenging days, God desires our happiness. Please be sure to take time to enjoy your family, make time for fun, find the joy of being together (24/7) and yes, take time for quiet-time.

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Be Still and Know That I AM

Be Still and Know

Be Still


Julie Sheridan

Additional Resources & Activities to do at Home



Middle School (Grades 5-8)

See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


Find all the prayers here.
    • Basic Prayers

    • Ten Minutes of Silence

      • Intercessions

      • Thanksgiving

      • Reading the Bible


The Main Points that need to be learned or taught from this lesson

  1. Know the basic components of the final day of Jesus' life.

  2. Be able to explain some of the major ways that Jesus fulfills the Old Testament in his actions.

High School (Grades 9-12)


  • See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn

Find a list of all these prayers here.



See Day 1 for a longer explanation of what to do in Pray & Learn


  • Basic Prayers

    • A list of all these prayers are here.

For those new to prayer

  • First 10 mins - Talk to God

For those more experienced in prayer



The Stations of the Cross


Watch the faith formation resource video below to learn more about your faith.

"Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, 'Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit!' And having said this he breathed his last."

- Luke 23:46

Weekly Challenge

Each week, we're introducing a new family fun challenge! Our hope is this would just be a recreative way to blow off some steam, get creative, slow down, and enjoy our time together. This week's challenge is the FORT FUNDAY CHALLENGE! Winner gets House Points! Check out the video below from Steve and fam for a demonstration. Send in your submissions using this form by Thursday, April 2nd.